Clinic Pilates in Sydney

Physio-led Exercise

At Papaya Clinic, we want to future-proof your body. Our small-group Clinical Pilates and exercise classes are how we do it.

These classes are designed to help you relearn good movement patterns and sequencing for your injury. We teach movements that cure and heal.

Our physio and pilates instructor team has a diverse movement background, and we combine classical pilates teaching with evidence-based physiotherapy and rehab principles to deliver the highest calibre of clinical pilates classes in the industry.

Clinic Pilates Papaya Clinic

Health Fund Claimable




Women's Health Specific


Maximum 4 people


Health Fund Claimable ~ Physio-Led ~ Women's Health Specific ~ Maximum 4 people ~

What's the difference between clinical & reformer pilates?

The difference between Clinical Pilates and Reformer Pilates lies in their focus, application, and supervision. Clinical Pilates is specifically tailored to address individual injuries, medical conditions, or rehabilitation needs, often under the guidance of healthcare professionals like physiotherapists. It emphasises corrective exercises aimed at improving core strength, stability, and movement patterns to prevent future injuries and promote optimal physical function.

On the other hand, reformer pilates is a more general form of Pilates exercise conducted in group settings and primarily focuses on overall strength, flexibility, and body awareness using specialised equipment called a reformer. While both forms of Pilates offer health benefits, clinical pilates provides a specialised and supervised approach for rehabilitation and injury prevention, whereas Reformer Pilates offers a more generalised workout experience.

Different Class Types

Active Mamas

Pre and post natal class with pelvic floor muscle training incorporated. Evidence based, safe and effective strength and resistance training for all expectant and new mamas to be strong and healthy in this critical time. Evidence based, safe and effective strength and resistance training for all expectant and new mamas to be strong and healthy in this critical time.

Suitable for all pregnant women (we can cater for high risk pregnancies and gestational diabetes. 

Strength and Mobility

Safe and effective heavy loading, weights and resistance training, with mobility sequences incorporated within the class. Given our tailored approach, this class is suitable for professional athletes through to those with osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, menopausal, and oncological population where bone health is affected.

Stretch, Breath, Lengthen

This is the perfect class for those who are stressed, burnout, feeling tight, stiff and needing a bit of calmness, mindfulness in their movement practice. Everything is designed to calm our nervous system, and tune in to our breathing, thoughts and positioning.

Experience the confidence of exercising knowing all movements are designed for you, are safe, effective and being led by women’s health physios and Pilates instructors.

Enrolment Process

Book an Assessment

You’ll meet with one of our physios to discuss your rehab or movement goals. We will do a physical assessment, and recommend key areas to focus on in alignment with your needs.

Join us for a private

Attend a Private Session with your physiotherapist to help us understand how you learn, how you move, and tailor our education and instruction to your learning style. We are hands on, observant, and have a great eye for technique and detail.

Book into our classes

Book in to our 1:4 classes and manage your schedule online. Learn to move with mindful movements under the guidance of our expert team.

What are the benefits of clinical pilates for pregnant women?

Clinical pilates during pregnancy offers numerous benefits that can support the health and well-being of both the mother and the developing baby throughout all trimesters. During the first trimester of pregnancy, gentle clinical pilates exercises can help strengthen the abdominal muscles and pelvic floor while alleviating early pregnancy discomforts such as nausea and fatigue.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, as the baby grows and the body undergoes more significant changes, clinical pilates can help alleviate back pain, sciatica, and hip pain by improving posture and alignment. By focusing on controlled movements and breathing techniques, clinical pilates prepares women for childbirth by strengthening muscles and joints, enhancing flexibility, and teaching effective birthing positions. Additionally, it promotes postnatal recovery by targeting abdominal exercises to help the stomach regain its strength after the baby arrives. 

By addressing these key areas, a clinical pilates exercise program supports women throughout pregnancy and birth, promoting overall well-being for both mother and baby.

Fees and Packages

50 mins Assessment $180 (Women’s Health Physio)
50 mins Private $135 (Women’s Health Physio)
50 mins Duet $75 per person (Women’s Health Physio)

1:4 Studio Class (50 minutes)
5 Pack $52.5 per class
10 Pack $50 per class
15 Pack $48 per class

Eligible for Private Health Fund Rebate - Code 560
(Receipts issued for manual claiming)

Please use the payment link here to purchase the introductory package, then scroll down to book your Assessment.

Papaya Pilates Introductory Package

1x Physio Assessment
2 x Private sessions
(mandatory before joining Studio classes)

Value $420 - Bundled at $340
Eligible for Private Health Fund Claim
505, 506

After checkout, please proceed to book your Physiotherapy Assessment on our Online booking platform.

Book your Sydney clinical pilates assessment

First timer and would love to go for our Introductory Package? Please purchase via the link above, then schedule your Initial Assessment in our portal.

If you have been to our clinic in the last 6 months, you can go straight into booking a 1:1 Private to start your Pilates journey.

Any questions, please see our FAQ PAGE!

Cliniko Online Booking Portal